It’s finally here!
*Start out in the Bistro at 9:00 with friends and snacks! Let’s let our guests have the first choice of seats in Worship Center.
*We will have a movie time with the Children too from 9:30-end of service
*Doug Reid & the band will be here to lead our time of Praise
*Ray Fredette, one of our original musicians, will share special music from his heart.
*We will have special recognition for those first members who started investing in the church 15 years ago.
*And we have commemorative gifts of this special day for all!
*Then a delicious lunch: barbecue, turkey, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, rolls and banana pudding
It is time again to prepare for Christmas in West Virginia! Lists of the items needed to pack up our fifty bookbags are available in the Lobby and on the website. Collection boxes will be out Oct. 15 – Nov. 4.
You are invited to Wednesday evenings in the Word at Lifepoint. The Men will gather and look in the book of Jude for wisdom in living for God in 2023, Tim Stewart leading. Gaylin Stewart leads the Women in digging deep in Matthew 5-7, Jesus’ longest recorded sermon in scripture, to see what He says He is looking for in His followers.
Will you set aside Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 for six weeks for Bible Study?
Come on in–Wednesday October 4 through November 15 at the Church.